There are occasions when you might wish to send SMS messages to your customers for e.g. for introducing a new service, latest promotion or simply sending a thank you message. 

An email has been a great tool for sending messages but if you have a flash sale valid only for the next 24 hrs, you may not want to wait for an email to be read.  

Here is how you can create and send SMS messages and campaigns to your customers.  Go to 

Admin > Customers > Send Message


Then you will see a popup where you can select SMS or Email. Select SMS.

Now select customers to whom you want to send the SMS. You can select one or more customers from the list or select All Customers.

Now simply type the msg you want to send. Please bear in mind that 160 char is 1 SMS and more than that counts for 2 SMS, so keep your message short. It will not only save costs for you but also keep things simple. Once you press "Send" you will see a success message and your message or campaign is on its way.